Ready to tackle your next data project? Our data analytics course is the only AWS training taught hands-on using clear examples, delivered by a seasoned data processing practitioner.

You will use DataBrew to run data profiling jobs on various data sets, analyze the suitability of the data for specific AWS services based on five key factors, and assess data quality at time of ingestion. The data profiling jobs can be reused to re-assess data quality throughout the pipeline within literally minutes, running on relatively few nodes and adjustable for scalability based on your needs. This course enforces best practices of using proven tools for data profiling. With no coding or SQL required (or recommended), you will learn how to leverage DataBrew to profile your data sets, output a data report to storage (S3), and interpret the results within minutes, saving you days and an error-prone process had you been profiling with SQL or a low-level data analysis library.

This is the class to power up your data analytics journey, and it is the first in our Analytics Essentials Journey™ Series, all the end-to-end, hands-on courses you need to get AWS-certified and readily apply data profiling to your work projects.  This course will take you on a journey to discover the five key factors that you should look for when tackling a data analytics project, and will help you anticipate the challenges that you will have to overcome. It will introduce you to proven and emerging AWS technologies that each serves a specific purpose throughout your data analytics journey. This course is the cornerstone for your data analytics career, and one day is short enough in anyone's speak so it would not impact your schedule or deadlines! Sign up your whole team today to have each member receive a paperback copy of O'Reilly's essential pocket reference for all things data pipelines.
Book Cover - Data Pipeline Pocket Reference